Home Learning and Homework
At Burtonwood Community Primary School, we believe that homework plays a vital role in reinforcing learning, developing independent study habits, and fostering a love for learning beyond the classroom. Our homework is purposeful, and staff will always communicate its importance, ensuring that children understand how it supports their progress.
Reading is at the heart of our homework policy, and all children are expected to read at least four times a week. Research shows that children who are read to regularly in the first five years of life have up to a 1.4-million-word advantage over those who are read to less frequently. We want to instill a lifelong love of reading in our pupils, helping them develop strong literacy skills that will benefit them across the curriculum.
Practice For children in Years 2-6, weekly spelling homework will be set using Spelling Shed to reinforce the spelling rules taught in class. This interactive platform allows children to practice and apply their knowledge in an engaging way.
Early Reading Development
To support our youngest learners, children in Reception and Year 1 will have access to 'Reading Eggs,' an online program designed to enhance decoding and comprehension skills. This resource provides fun, interactive activities tailored to each child’s learning stage.
Maths Fluency
To strengthen fluency in multiplication and division facts, children in Y2-Y6 have access to TT Rockstars. Regular practice using this platform will help develop confidence and speed in recalling key number facts, which are essential for mathematical success.
Optional Homework
In addition to the core homework, we provide optional tasks linked to the wider curriculum. These activities encourage children to explore topics further, engage in discussions at home, and take ownership of their learning in a way that interests them.
By providing a structured yet flexible approach to homework, we aim to support our pupils in becoming independent, motivated, and successful learners both in and out of school.
At Burtonwood Primary School, we use a programme called Seesaw which allows us to:
- Record a child’s work and progress
- Show parents their child’s work in school and to keep them informed
- Set work for children allowing interaction with teachers for assessment and feedback
- Allow direct communication between parents and teachers
- Act as the key communication tool between the school and families
Seesaw can be accessed by an app on via a website. The feedback we have received is that it is simple for children and families to use.
Seesaw for children (home learning)
Seesaw for home learning, is an online journal that allows children to access work set by their teacher and can be completed as homework or as remote learning. Teachers can set the work in a number of ways to give children variety and keep them engaged.
When you join Park Road an invitation will be issued to every child to allow them to access Seesaw using the technology that they have available to them. If accessing via a smartphone or tablet, you will be asked to download an app (Seesaw for Students) and you will be asked to scan a QR code or input a code.
Only the teacher, your child and family members with access via Seesaw will be able to see their journal. Any comments made on the journal will need to be authorised by the class teacher.
Seesaw for families (parent communication)
Seesaw for families allows you to see your child’s journal and make comment on entries. Please remember that all comments will need to be approved by the class teacher first and be aware that items may be added for the whole or multiple members of the class so please bear this in mind when commenting as anyone included on the journal entry will be able to see your comment.
The teacher will be able to use announcements to family members or will be able to send a message to a family member using the inbox function. Messages sent using the inbox function, will only be visible to the teacher and the family member, not to the child – this is the same for any reply made to these messages.