We have recently appointed a new Chair of Governors. To read a welcome from Mr Chris Wright, our new chair, please come back and visit us soon. 


Gillian Harrison

Gillian Harrison

Vice Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor

Chris Wright

Chair of Governors
Chair of Governors

Lisa Hope

Parent Governor
Term ends - 18/11/2025

Mary-Rose Noble

Co-Opted Governor
Term end - 12/06/2025

Sarah Ignatius

Deputy, Staff Governor
Term ends -30/08/2024

Gavin Price

Parent Governor

Jason Heatley

Jason Heatley


Governor Attendance

Updated: 10/11/2023 55 KB
Updated: 13/09/2022 17 KB
Updated: 31/10/2021 29 KB
Updated: 31/10/2021 16 KB

Governor Declaration of Interests

Updated: 24/05/2024 134 KB

The Omega Multi- Academy Trust Master Funding Agreement  provides the framework within which the Trust operates. 

Each school within the Trust has a separate Supplemental Funding Agreement.

Click here to view the Trust Master Funding Agreement

Click here to view our Supplemental Funding Agreement

Associated Documentation

Click here to view the Trust  Articles of Association

Click here to view the Local Governing Body Code of Conduct

Click here to view the Local Governing Body Terms of Reference

Click here to view the Trust  Scheme of Delegation

Click here to view the Trusts' Audited Financial Statement