Chris Wright
Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Gillian Harrison
Vice Chair of Governors
Co-opted Governor
Mary-Rose Noble
Co-Opted Governor
Sarah Ignatius
Deputy, Staff Governor
Alice Hothersall
Co-opted Governor
Chukwuebuka Ufodiama
Co-opted Governor
Victoria Davenport
Parent Governor
Francesca Hunter-Brodie
Parent Governor
Could you be a school governor at Bradshaw Primary School?
- Do you want all our children to get the best from school?
- Do you have the time and commitment to get to know a school, go to meetings and read papers?
- Do you want to put something back into your local community?
- Are you interested in people?
- Are you prepared to work as part of a team?
- Are you comfortable asking challenging questions?
- Are you open to new ideas and ready to learn?
Making a difference
Governors are people like you. You don't need specific qualifications, just the desire to make a difference, approximately 2-6 hours spare time a month including some time to visit the school occasionally during the school day. All governors must be 18 or over.
New governors are often surprised at how their experiences can be used to help solve problems at their school. You don't have to be a specialist; just think about the skills you use in everyday life. Being a school governor is a big responsibility, but can be one of the most rewarding ways of contributing to your local community. As a school governor, you have real opportunities to:
- Raise educational standards in your local school
- Help children achieve their full potential
- Identify and develop the school's management team
- Identify where the school can improve and help make it happen
- Improve the school's financial efficiency and effectiveness
- Engage parents, pupils and the local community to benefit the school
- Develop an environment which promotes learning
- Work as part of a team, towards a common goal
- Acquire new skills, new friends and a real sense of achievement
- Share in and celebrate the success of children, staff, teachers and the school as a whole
How much time will it take?
Being a governor means making yourself available for some evenings each term and occasionally during the day.
Governing bodies meet once or twice a term usually in the evening and on average meetings last about 2- 2 ½ hours. Most governors are expected to become a member of a committee responsible for a specific aspect such as Finance, Personnel, Pupil Progress and School Improvement or Premises and Health and Safety.
You will also need some time to read papers, prepare for meetings and to attend training. The amount of time varies widely, depending on how involved you become and what needs doing, but schools do need governors who are fully committed.
You have a legal right to ask your employer for “reasonable” unpaid leave or flexible working, and some employers offer limited paid leave for this as it constitutes a public duty. What is considered reasonable will vary according to the nature of your job and your employer.
Are governors paid?
All governors are volunteers and there is no payment for carrying out the role. The school has a policy in place that can cover some expenses to reimburse governors for necessary expenses such as care for children or dependent relatives or travel.
Almost anyone over 18 can serve as a governor but there are some understandable restrictions. No one can serve if they:
- Are barred from working with children or vulnerable adults
- Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or similar
- Have certain criminal convictions, depending on the nature of the offence and sentence and how long ago it was
How can I become a governor?
You can become a school governor by:
- Being appointed by the other governors as a co-opted governor.
- Being elected by parents as a parent governor, if your child attends the school.
- Being elected by the staff, if you are a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff.
The Omega Multi- Academy Trust Master Funding Agreement provides the framework within which the Trust operates.
Each school within the Trust has a separate Supplemental Funding Agreement.
Click here to view the Trust Master Funding Agreement
Click here to view our Supplemental Funding Agreement
Associated Documentation
Click here to view the Trust Articles of Association
Click here to view the Local Governing Body Code of Conduct
Click here to view the Local Governing Body Terms of Reference
Click here to view the Trust Scheme of Delegation
Click here to view the Trusts' Audited Financial Statement