Year 2 Science - Investigating Shape Change

Year 2 Science - Investigating Shape Change
Year 2 pupils have been using the High Performance Learning (HPL) skill of enquiring in their recent Science lesson. The children explored the fascinating question: Can we change the shape of different objects?
With a range of materials in front of them, including sponges, pipe cleaners, playdough, and socks, the children set out to investigate whether they could twist, bend, squash, or stretch each object. Carefully observing how different materials responded, the young investigators noted their discoveries.
The budding scientists demonstrated working scientifically by recording their observations in tables, showcasing their findings with accuracy and detail. This encouraged them to think critically about materials and their properties while strengthening key skills like data recording and analysis.
The activity didn’t just promote scientific thinking, it was also a fantastic opportunity to develop teamwork and communication skills. Working in small groups, pupils shared ideas, made predictions, and discussed their findings.
Great work, Year 2. We can’t wait to see what other scientific discoveries you make this year!