Year 4 Science 

In a buzzing Year 4 Science lesson, pupils showcased their enthusiasm for learning about circuits.  As part of their exploration of the High Performance Learning (HPL) focus skill of intellectual playfulness, the young scientists were tasked with designing and creating their very own buzzer games. The activity encouraged pupils to experiment with their knowledge in a hands-on way.  

Working collaboratively in small groups, the students applied their understanding of electrical circuits by predicting whether various configurations would function based on diagrams. This allowed them to test their skills while also thinking creatively about how to achieve their goals. Once predictions were made, it was time for the test – building the circuits and seeing if the buzzers would sound. This trial-and-error approach helped reinforce the pupils' learning.

The project wasn't just about circuits, it was also  a great opportunity for pupils to develop their teamwork and problem-solving abilities along with building resilience and confidence in their scientific skills.

Well done, Year 4!