Year 4 Pupils Use Big-Picture Thinking to Tackle Global Geography Topics

In Year 4 Geography, pupils have been putting their High Performance Learning (HPL) skills into practice by engaging in big-picture thinking. They explored a range of global topics, including responsible trading practices, the journey of a cocoa bean from farm to consumer, and the environmental impact of dietary choices such as consuming meat and dairy products.

Through the lens they understood how everyday choices connected to broader global issues.  To bring these ideas closer to home, the students participated in a hands-on activity where they tracked the distance food travels from farms to shops. Using maps, they located the countries of origin for everyday items, raising awareness of the carbon footprint associated with long transportation routes. This exercise fostered a greater appreciation for local and sustainable produce while illustrating how individual choices can contribute to a healthier planet.

By integrating HPL skills like big-picture thinking into the curriculum, the school aims to foster informed and compassionate pupils ready to make a positive impact on society.