Year 4 English - Subordinate Conjunctions
Year 4 - Subordinate Conjunctions
This week, Year 4 pupils dived into the world of complex sentences by mastering the use of subordinate conjunctions. Through an interactive and hands-on activity, the children explored how to craft sentences with subordinate clauses, experimenting with their placement for varied effects.
Using sentence strips and plenty of creativity, pupils moved clauses to the beginning, middle, and end of their sentences, deepening their understanding of grammar.
The activity was inspired by the enchanting world of Leon and the Space Between and the vibrant energy of the circus. This theme sparked the pupil’s imaginations, encouraging them to work collaboratively and think outside the box. As they rearranged clauses and refined their sentences, they gained confidence in their writing skills.
It’s been a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to combine essential grammar skills with creativity, and their imaginative sentences brought the classroom to life. Well done Year 4!