Searching for gold, duck races and kick dipping were all used to learn more about rivers during our Year 3 trip to Cuerden Valley Park this week.

The visit to the well-known parkland in Preston was a chance for the Burtonwood Community Primary School children to take their learning outside and put what they learn in Science into practice.

During the trip pupils were able to try kick dipping to take samples of the water and check how healthy it was.  Our students were very excited to find bullhead fish, leeches, mayfly nymph, water mites, cased caddisfly larvae, and banded demoiselle larvae.

As part of their time studying rivers the children also had a duck race which was used to measure the current in the water. They learned about the journey of water from the source to the mouth,  drew and labelled their own river and even searched for gold within the riverbed!

Acting Headteacher Sarah Ignatius said: “They had a fantastic time, were great role models for school and learnt even more about rivers.”

Great work everyone.